Sunday, January 30, 2011

Lateness at Church

This morning I went to church with my father and I was late again! Today i felt so ashamed about that lateness. I'm sad too. It's like i almost never come early to the church with my family. I am a singer for church service once in a month which is on the second week every month. If I'm on charge, I come to the church earlier to join the morning prayer. If not, like I said before, I'm almost always late. 

I'm ashamed to be late because ...

First, I'm the servant of Lord as a singer. I sing for the glory of Lord and to be a blessing for everyone who hear it. If I'm late, my song might not be a blessing anymore or people will say anything bad about me or my family.

Second, I thought that lateness is a prove that we don't love God bigger than our laziness to come earlier. 

Finally, I could say all of those above to my Dad. And he understands it and eager to change our family habit. It's good to know his response. That's all I can say. Good night everybody:)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Hi! Im back with my new story. Here we go. I went to mall near my house.
And Im totally wet now. It's a bit ridiculous. It rains like never before nowadays.
I mean in my town. Its a big rain.
My brother said that Indonesia wants to get its prestige again.
Its because it was flooding in Singapore. Maybe Indonesia doesnt want its popularity in flooding being taken by Singapore. Hahah. Jk.

I learn to be english speaker. But its quite difficult. Because what i learnt is different from what is spoken. Its embarrassing if I speak like alien with them although its their language too. I wanna be fluent! Hahah. Hope I can learn more with people abroad.

See u next time!^^

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Today is a long day. Too many things I have to do but, weird, I even forget I slept with my brother just last night! What’s wrong with the time? It feels sooooo long. Is it because Im waiting all the time? Just wanna throw out what’s inside my head now. Waiting in uncertainty. Waiting to have something new in my life. I hope I find it soon . .